Monday, October 11, 2010

October 11th - The Devil Rides Out

The Devil Rides out is one my favorite Hammer films. It stars the classically magnificent Christopher Lee, who as of more recent is mostly known as he role in Star Wars and Lord Of The Rings.However, is cemented as being Hammer's Dracula. Supposedly, no one has ever played the role of Dracula more times on film than Christopher Lee.

The Devil Rides out stars Christopher in an atypical role as a hero rather than a villain. He plays a character by the name of Duc de Richleau. The story begins when he stops in to visit a friend's son and notices something strange is going on in the house. Shortly, he finds a pentagram and live chickens, and with his extensive knowledge of the occult he comes to the realization that his findings are deeply routed in devil worship. As he struggles to save the soul of Simon he has to fight more than he anticipated, including the leader of a devil worshipping cult named Mocata. Trouble begins to brew like a witches cauldron.

One scene in the film is of my favourite films of how Lucifer is depicted. The scene takes place in a forested clearing where Mocata, along with his cult of followers, summon the devil in order to initiate new followers to his cause. When the devil appears he has the head of a goat but the body of a man, speechless, his presence is short lived as Christopher Lee comes galloping in to save his friends.

The film has amazing costumes and incredible sets. The scene where Satan is summoned is so stunning partially because of the many people in cloaks, screaming, running around, frantic for Satan. It looks authentic. Mocata's purple cloak is mesmerizing, unforgettable even. The devil himself is beyond creepy and though it doesn't speak, it's presence is powerful (and of course the make up,etc, makes him look real).

The set later in the film where Lee and other are enclosed in a circle are smoothly lit and well put together. The ritual scene at the end of the movie is exactly how you'd picture a devil worshiping altar to be. Candles, altars, cloaked figures, and curtains makes the set come alive with the scene almost.

Highly recommended, especially if you like classic styled films and with a touch of Satan of course.

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